Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Spring Semester Assignments/Due Dates/Grading Scale

I-Search (Autobiography on Literacy Learning) Paper 5% (Due 2-27-08)
Poster Project 5% (Due 3-12-08)
Midterm Examination 10% (Administered on 3-19-08)
Student Presentation/Report 10% (Due on Date of Sign-Up)
Response to Literature Essay 10% (Due 4-9-08)
Precis (4) 5% (Due 4-16-08)
Research Paper 20% (Due 5-7-08)
Creative Writing 5% (Due 5-21-08)
Final Examination 10% (Administered on 5-28-08)
Participation 20% (Ongoing)

I-Search (Autobiography on Literacy Learning)--Due 2-27-08
Directions: You will write an autobiography of your own literacy learning, which must be between 4-10 pages in length. You are free to be creative in the means by which you write this paper. There are a number of sources that you may use to gather information about your life. You may wish to focus on the influence of family, school, media, church, friends, peers, government, yourself, clubs, sports, extra-curricular activities, travels, hobbies, etc.

Poster Project (Due 3-12-08)
Directions: Using poster-board or similar materials, you will create a poster focusing on one of the British Literary periods (you must sign up in advance for the Literary Period of your choice). Your poster should be aesthetically pleasing and should include the following: 1. A clear title of the Literary period along with the general dates of the period, 2. Historical information concerning Great Britain during the time period (which Kings and Queens were in power, what politics dominated the age, what major events occured at this time, and etc., 3. Major authors of the time (at least 5--exception for Old English as authors are typcially "anonymous" in which case you should include 5 major works of the period) along with their most famous works, 4. Influences on the literature and the age.

Response to Literature Essay (Due 4-9-08)
Directions: You will choose any of the literary works that we have read, or will read, in the second semester (see reading schedule) and will write a 3-5 page essay on the work itself. You may choose the specific topic to focus on within the work (though you may wish to discuss your ideas with me beforehand to ensure that it is a topic that you can write in-depth upon). This paper does not require any outside sources, though you are welcome to use them (be sure to cite your sources if you do use such sources).

Precis (Due 4-16-08)
Directions: You will write four (4) short (one page) critiques of the articles or chapters you read for your research, one of which must relate to your report topic and three of which must relate to your research paper topic (you will submit the one for your report topic on the day of the report). Each of these must contain a full MLA style reference and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the piece you read. You may include enough summary for readers to understand the main thrust of the article, but keep summary to a minimum and focus on your analysis. No more than a third of the page should be summary.

Research Paper (Due 5-7-08)
Directions: You will choose a specific topic in relation to a Literary Period, an Author, a Literary Movement, or a specific work or works that we have covered, or will cover, within the second semester (see reading schedule). You will write an 8-12 page paper, typed, double-spaced, Times-New Roman 12 point font, and written in MLA format. Be sure to include at least six sources: one from the internet, one from a book, one from a journal, and the remainder may be from any academic source of your choosing. Your final paper must have a cover page (including name, date, and title of your paper), page numbers, and a works cited page. You must also submit an outline with your final draft.

Creative Writing (Due 5-21-08)
Directions: You will submit some form of creative writing of your choosing (short story, novella, poem, satire, fairy-tale, etc.). Please see me for specifications for each type of writing.

Literary Presentations/Reports (Due on the Date for which you have Signed-up)
Directions: Each student will sign up for a topic and date to give a presentation (10-15 minutes in length) and lead the class in a discussion of the assigned reading for that day. You will be required to submit two papers on the day of your presentation--the first being the report itself and the second being one of the four precis you will be writing. You will receive bonus points if you bring copies for the entire class to read over during your presentation (there are 28 students enrolled in the course, plus the instructor). Guidelines for the report are as follows:
1. Brief description of the Literary Period of the author and work.
2. Brief biography of the author.
3. Historical context of the work.
4. Literary Analysis, including but not limited to: theme, style, figurative language, key terms, etc.
5. Textual evidence.
6. Discussion questions.

*Any written work with multiple errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or structure will be returned without a grade. Such papers may be re-written and resubmitted for a grade. If errors are still persistent it will be returned again for revision and may be resubmitted for a grade. Each time a paper is returned for revision it will result in a 5% reduction in the grade on the paper. Your papers should be of the highest quality (I will not accept anything less than your best). In other words, proofread your papers before submitting them--papers written the night before the due date are almost certain to be returned for revision. If you need assistance with any of the assignments, please see me and I will be happy to work with you in order to achieve success.

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